Read our project results and deliverables below!
RiskGONE posters from final project workshop
CIDETEC, Nanomedicine, Characterization, fate and in vitro dosimetry of ENMs - Main CIDETEC contributions on RiskGONE project: download here
ECOS - Environmental Coalition on Standards, Communication and Links to International Bodies: download here
LIST, ENMs Characterisation, in vitro dosimetry and environmental fate: download here
LIST, Activities in the framework of RiskGONE - H2020-NMBP-13-2018 science-based risk governance of nano-technology: download here
Malsch TechnoValuation, Ethical Impacts of (Not) Sharing Nanosafety Data: download here
NanoBioReal, Monitoring nanoparticle-induced oxidative stress using cyclic voltammetry: download here
NanoBioReal, Nanotoxicity testing using electrical impedance and cyclic voltammetry: download here
NILU, Main project activities and outcomes: download here
NovaMechanics Ltd., NanoConstruct: A toolbox for the digital reconstruction of Energy Minimized NanoParticles Powered by Enalos Cloud Platform: download here
NovaMechanics Ltd., RiskGONE Cloud Platform: download here
NovaMechanics Ltd., An In Vitro dosimetry dose application for the numerical transport of engineered nanomaterials: download here
Swansea University, Report on the proof-of-concept evaluation of SOPs for innovative in vitro models and mechanistically relevant assays for nanosafety human hazard assessment: download here
University of Bergen, Non-invasive methods and biological models for nanotoxicity assessment: download here
RiskGONE project Deliverables
Work Package 3
Deliverable 3.2. Draft guidelines regarding the quantification of lifecycle environmental and human health risk indicators
Deliverable 3.3.: Draft guidelines regarding the quantification of macro-economic benefits
Deliverable 3.4.: Draft guidelines regarding the correct implementation of risk transfer in insurance models.
Deliverable 3.5.: Draft guidelines on the societal acceptance of nanomaterials considering risk and benefit perception
Deliverable 3.6.: Draft guidelines on Identification of regulatory and ethical risk thresholds
Work Package 4
Deliverable 4.2.: Consolidated pre-validated guidance document on hydrodynamic diameter and size distribution determination
Deliverable 4.3.: Consolidated pre-validated guidance document on the dispersibility of ENMs
Deliverable 4.4: Consolidated pre-validated guidance document on the determination of ENMs endotoxins content
Deliverable 4.5: Consolidated pre-validated guidance document on zeta potential determination
Deliverable 4.6: Consolidated pre-validated guidance document on nanoparticle counting
Deliverable 4.7: Consolidated pre-validated guidance document on effective density
Deliverable 4.9: Harmonised SOP for the resuspension of ENMs in biological media and in vitro dosimetry
Work Package 5
Deliverable 5.1: Report on the final harmonised SOPs used to propose amendments to the existing OECD TGs
Deliverable 5.5.: Report on the expert meeting AOP draft review
Work Package 6
Deliverable 6.4_v1: Report on (feedback on) initial DEB-based AOP for chronic ecotoxicity to ENMs (based on workshop)
Work Package 7
Deliverable 7.2.: Project website, house style, and social media profiles finalized
Deliverable 7.3.: Risk Governance of Nanomaterials: Analysis of Operating Practices of Existing Bodies Full report available upon request.