Webinars & Training materials

Browse our webinars and training materials below!

Training video -  In Vitro Mammalian Cell Gene Mutation Test HPRT



Training resource - Z Potential measurements



Training resource - Dispersibility of ENM



Training resource - In vitro mammalian cell gene mutation assay - 3. Scoring criteria of TK6 cell colonies



Training resource - In vitro mammalian cell gene mutation assay - 2. Seeding cells into 96-well plates



Training resource - In vitro mammalian cell gene mutation assay - 1. Preparing cell stocks



Training resource - Hydrodynamic diameter and size distribution: NTA analysis



Training resource - Hydrodynamic diameter and size distribution: DLS analysis



Webinar - Unnoticed and ungoverned - How nanomaterials are slipping through the cracks



Training video - A simple guide on how to determine the effective density of ENMs



Training video – Quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR)


Training materials: The Comet Assay

The comet assay - Training held at NILU-Norwegian Institute for Air Research on 17-20 February, 2020.


Video - The Comet Assay, step by step


Webinar Recording: Identifying Health Risks with AOPs

Access all the presentation slides from speakers here. Click on the video boxes below to watch the section of your interest!

Webinar Recording: Governance of Nanomaterials in the EU

Click on the video boxes below to watch the section of your interest!